I haven’t been to see a doctor for 22 years.
I should go and see a doctor.
Not that there’s anything wrong with me; I should just check.
And find out what my blood type is.
Someone close to me was just diagnosed with breast cancer.
Makes you think.
And maybe a psychiatrist.
He wants me to talk to someone.
Not that I talk to him much any more.
Mostly because he wants me to talk to someone.
Somewhat paradoxically I can’t go and see a doctor or a psychiatrist because I am in too weak a state to hear what they’d tell me. Which, I suppose, means I know what they’d tell me.
Day by day then.
Day by day.
*sits and absorbs what you have just said*
*reaches out my fingertips to touch you…if you want to*
Powerful stuff, thank you for sharing xx