Anonymous is just that… A place for people to send their anonymous thoughts or pictures to be published.
Do you have a rant bubbling away inside you but nowhere to share it without causing more problems, a photograph that you want to publish but don’t want anyone to know that it is you, a love to declare but you are too shy to shout it out or maybe it is some home truths that you are itching to dish out. Whatever it is you want to share without your name being attached to it then this is your space.
If you are a reader then I hope the material you find might just stimulate you into sharing a comment. For the most part the anonymous writer might not want to say who they are but that does not mean that they don’t want to know what you think or even just that you have read their words. For many people knowing someone is reading is enough for the writer to feel purged.
If you would like to send in an anonymous post you can email it to me at [email protected] or else click on the Anonymous Submission tab at the top right hand side of the page and use the form. I guarantee that your identity will remain confidential.
Ps… All work published here remains the copyright of the original author and is published in good faith that it owned by the person submitting it. If anyone believes that this is not the case and that work published here is infringement of copyright law please get in touch with me at the above email address
I live with a guy who weighs 400lbs he’s5’5″. He eats every fucking thing. Each plate is enough to feed 5 people. The fatter he gets the smaller his already tiny penis gets. I may have sex with him once every 4 month’s. I never lay on the bottom. Sex is 5minutes long.I
I have always had a man who played sports. Also I miss having sex every day atleast twice. This is the worst boyfriend ever